Nakon veoma klimavog starta i mnogih tehničkih problema koji su obeležili izlazak WWE 2k20 (najniže ocenjena wrestling igra na EmuGlx portalu sa 5/10) još u oktobru ove godine, autori iz Visual Conceptsa nisu digli ruke od igre, radili su vredno na patchevima koji su malo po malo popravljali stvari, ali je igra i dalje bila puna preostalih problema. Novi 1.06 patch koji je sada stigao drastično smanjuje listu bagova i donosi neke od featuresa koji su nedostajali na početku kao što je mogućnost pravljenja custom titula, i create a wrestler (CAW) mod sada sa 90% manje jezivih glitcheva. Opšti raspad sa igrom usledio je zbog odlaska dugogodišnjeg japanskog developera Yukes, ostavivši Visual Concepts “da se snađu” u jako kratkom roku koji su 2k i WWE zacrtali.

U igru je nedavno stigla i druga epizoda WWE Originals moda koji se ovog puta fokusira na Wasteland post-apokaliptičnu tematiku. Nadamo se da će igra biti skroz doterana i sređena na vreme za sledeći DLC koji stiže 2020. godine i koji će pokrivati fiktivnu parodiju od old school južnjačke promocije Southpaw Regional Wrestling! (do yourself a favor and click on that link)

Ispod pogledajte kompletan 1.06 patch notes, a mi ćemo proveriti kako igra sada radi i testirati je u sadašnjem stanju, na našem EmuGlx YouTube kanalu! So stay tuned for that.  UPDATE: Gameplay video je objavljen.


  • Added Create A Championship feature
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur due to running out of memory
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when resuming the game from a suspended state
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when performing a forced sign out
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when entering Showcase, Towers, and Originals
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur on the Legal Screen after launching the game
  • Addresses reported missing text in the warning message when accessing 2K Originals from other game modes


  • Various improvements to A.I. behavior
  • Various improvements to animations and collisions
  • Addresses reported concerns with visual corruption and deformation in different areas of the game including entrances, matches, and highlight reel
  • Addresses reported concerns with reversals
  • Addresses reported concerns with hair in Big Head mode
  • Addresses reported concerns where characters may freeze, warp, or become unresponsive in specific situations
  • Addresses reported clipping concerns regarding Superstars and environments
  • Addresses various reported concerns that crashes  may occur involving Custom Arenas, Custom Matches, Custom Attires, Custom Superstars and Custom Images
  • Addresses reported concerns where face paint fails to appear during entrance/victory scenes
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when entering Backstage and at the start of Backstage Brawls
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when a Superstar interrupts another match by setting up a ladder or by jumping from the corner during gameplay


  • Create a Superstar: Addresses various reported concerns with Custom Images and Create a Superstar
  • Create a Superstar: Addresses various reported concerns with Alt. Attires, deformation and missing geometry
  • Create a Superstar: Addresses reported concerns with hair appearing shiny and hair dye failing to appear
  • Create a Superstar: Addresses reported concerns with facial deformation when adjusting height and reported concerns with facial distortion occurring when using the Face Outline tool in Create a Superstar
  • Community Creations: Addresses reported concerns with downloading Superstars
  • Community Creations: Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when trying to upload Custom Move-sets and Custom Shows in Community Creations
  • Create a Move-Set: Addresses reported concerns with an infinite load screen when trying to edit a Move-set for a Custom Superstar
  • Create a Move-Set: Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when entering the Create a Move-Set menu after previously uploading custom move-sets in Community Creations
  • Create a Video: Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur in Create a Video
  • Create a Video: Addresses reported 4K only concerns where Superstars would appear as corrupt silhouettes when using a Cutscene Video Clip from Highlight Reel in Create a Video
  • Create a Victory: Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur in the loading screen when trying to enter Create a Victory


  • Addresses reported concerns about potential crashes, infinite load screen, and network error messages in various areas of Online Mode
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when the host quits out of an Online match, when entering a One on One match as the Host inside of the Online menu, and when accepting an invite
  • Addresses reported concerns with the countdown timer
  • Addresses reported concerns where the title didn’t transition to the lobby when accepting an invite after the user has signed out of their profile previously
  • Addresses reported infinite load screen concerns when the user signs out of their account while creating a lobby in Online
  • Addresses reported concerns where users would be placed into their own lobby when accepting an invite while in a Tonight’s Match game


  • Alt. Attires are now usable in Universe
  • Addresses reported concerns that may occur when editing matches in Universe
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when viewing the Match Up screen of Full Preview in Universe
  • Addresses reported concerns where the max number of matches on a PPV was stuck at 10
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when going into a championship ladder match for a custom MITB briefcase
  • Addresses reported concerns where the post-match run-in sequence did not occur properly when the winner of the match is a champion and the run-in superstar is the MITB holder in Universe mode


  • Addresses reported concerns with career rewards unlocked with Accelerator
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur in MyCAREER and MyPLAYER Wizard
  • Addresses reported concerns where the user may be kicked back to the MyPLAYER menu when attempting to enter certain matches
  • Addresses reported concerns where the objective may not complete correctly in MyCAREER Royal Rumble matches
  • Addresses reported concerns where run-ins may interrupt Road to Glory PPV matches
  • Addresses reported concerns with random run-ins appearing in PPV matches


  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when entering the first Four Horsewomen match
  • Addresses reported concerns with certain Tower matches and Showcase objectives


  • Addresses reported instances where subtitles may be missing
  • Addresses reported concerns where save data containing DLC may fail to load when launching the title on offline mode
  • Addresses reported concerns with entrances, cutscenes, weapons and referees
  • Addresses reported concerns that crashes may occur when loading into the Bump in the Night DLC


  • Addresses reported concerns with music, ambient audio, crowd cheers and chants