E3 2018 nam je prikazao ne samo detalje od ranije najavljenih igara, već i prve poglede na mnogobrojne igre za koje nismo ni znali da se prave. U nastavku možete videti spisak ne baš svih igara, ali definitivno su tu sve one koje su prošle najzapaženije kod svetske igračke publike i medija.
- 13. Jul – Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch)
- 24. Jul – The Banner Saga 3 (Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
- 10. Avgust – Madden NFL 19 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One), We Happy Few (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows)
- 24. Avgust – F1 2018 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows)
- 7. Septembar – Spider-Man (PlayStation4), NBA Live 19 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
- 14. Septembar – Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 28. Septembar – FIFA 19 (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 2. Oktobar – Forza Horizon 4 (Windows PC, Xbox One), Mega Man 11 (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 5. Oktobar – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One), Super Mario Party (Nintendo Switch)
- 12. Oktobar – Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 16. Oktobar – Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation4, Xbox One)
- 19. Oktobar – Battlefield 5 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One), Soulcalibur VI (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 26. Oktobar – Red Dead Redemption 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
- 13. Novembar – Hitman 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
- 14. Novembar – Fallout 76 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 16. Novembar – Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu! and Let’s Go Eevee! (Nintendo Switch)
- 4. Decembar – Just Cause 4 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 7. Decembar – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)
Nepoznati datum tokom 2018 – Tetris Effect, Metal Wolf Chaos XD, Dead Cells, Dreams (beta)
- 25. Januar – Resident Evil 2 Remake (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
- 29. Januar – Kingdom Hearts 3 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
- 22. Februar – Anthem (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One), Days Gone (PlayStation 4), Metro: Exodus (Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One)
- 29. Februar – Crackdown 3 (Windows PC, Xbox One), Trials Rising (Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One)
- 15. Mart – Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One)
Nepoznati datum tokom 2019 – Gears 5, Devil May Cry 5, Dying Light 2, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Jump Force, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Skull & Bones, Rage 2, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Ori and the Will of the Whisps, Psychonauts 2, In the Valley of Gods, Shenmue III, The Surge 2, Darksiders III, Babylon’s Fall…
Ove najavljene igre neće skoro – Cyberpunk 2020, Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI, Final Fantasy VII Remake.
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